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Put an end to heavy legs: solutions to relax your muscles and reduce their symptoms

In our contemporary lifestyles, several ailments can spoil our daily lives without our really trying to treat them. This is the case of back pain, neck pain, small allergies or even what is called heavy legs. If you suffer from it, you know that it is painful, painful and that it acts as an additional weight in your life. Be aware that this problem is quite widespread since it affects nearly one in four French people, and the vast majority of them are women.

Heavy legs often appear after tiring days, or during periods of high heat. This phenomenon is usually due to poor blood circulation. In addition to pain, it can also cause aesthetic discomfort with swollen legs and excessively visible veins. We will see below what causes these heavy leg problems, and how to reduce this phenomenon and these pains.

Heavy legs, what is it?

From discomfort to pain, the pathology of heavy legs can quickly turn out to be disabling with swelling, tingling or unpleasant heat. As we saw in the introduction, this phenomenon comes from poor blood circulation. All the elements of our body are supplied by the oxygen-laden blood coming from the arteries. The veins will have the role of garbage collectors by bringing the waste back to the heart. This coming and going is essential for our body, but the way back when it comes from the veins of the legs can be difficult, especially because it has to fight against gravity, especially since these veins, unlike the arteries, do not have muscle fibers.

The engine of this return path to fight against gravity is then the pressure exerted on the soles of the feet and also the contraction of the calf muscles which pushes the blood towards the heart. We can compare this motor to a pump that pumps blood upwards from the veins in the legs. Heavy legs can be the result of edema. Indeed, when the veins are weakened, their permeability is reduced and water and proteins can escape. By dint of accumulation, an edema will occur and will lead to the phenomenon of heavy legs, even cramps.

The other anatomical principle that can produce the sensation of heavy legs comes from the valves, which act as a check valve so that blood does not flow back through our veins. If their operation is fatigued, the valves can partially produce the heavy legs effect. This feeling of heavy legs is therefore painful on a daily basis, but their causes can also be more serious, and require a medical appointment. Do not hesitate to ask your doctor for advice. For example, phlebitis due to the formation of clots can cause the heavy legs effect.

It may then be necessary to undergo an echo-doppler which will allow you to see precisely the entire network of arteries and veins, thanks to the ultrasound which will photograph your vessels, and the doppler which will allow you to see their movements. This examination will then make it possible to see if a dysfunction appears, such as varicose veins, clots, blood stagnation, bad direction of circulation in the veins or even tired valves. On prescription from your general practitioner, the echo-Doppler will be carried out by a specialist, in a position which allows the leg to be bent and then in a standing position.

What remedies to relieve heavy legs?

First of all, before medical solutions, a few everyday gestures can alleviate this unpleasant feeling of heavy legs. Indeed, you will have to avoid in particular tight clothing or underfloor heating. You will need to walk regularly.
The other solution is to wear compression stockings and socks, recognized for their beneficial effect, the only devices that are also partially reimbursed by social security. Their secret comes from a very special mesh that tightens the leg with pressure on the veins, all along the leg, allowing better blood circulation. Their effect is appreciable because almost immediate, especially if you take care to put them on correctly so that the pressure is done well on the whole leg, and if you wear them all day.

Moreover, these compression stockings and socks no longer have much to do with those of our grandmothers. While maintaining good pressure, they are more aesthetic and comfortable. You can also choose pharmaceutical products, such as phlebotonic and venotonic capsules or gels that will produce a pleasant coolness on your legs. Phlebotonic or venotonic capsules will give a boost to your vessels, which will allow a better rise of blood in the veins, thus reducing the effect of heavy legs.

Creams and gels will fight against the unpleasant feeling of heat by applying them from the feet to the top of the legs. Some will even help the cells to fight against gravity when returning to the heart thanks to active principles. In addition to advice for your daily life, these solutions can improve your venous circulation and reduce the inconvenience of heavy legs.

Heavy legs: the benefits of lymphatic drainage

To avoid having heavy legs, it is therefore necessary to help blood circulation in the legs. This is what a physiotherapist can do with lymphatic drainage. Thanks to precise pressure for half an hour, this professional will stimulate the engorged lymph nodes, providing immediate relief for your legs but for a good result, several sessions will be necessary. Generally, the physiotherapist performs this treatment with breathing exercises that will help blood circulation, like when you play sports. These treatments are particularly appreciated by people working regularly in a standing position and who suffer from this scourge of heavy legs, the pain of which worsens over the days. These massages can only be performed by a professional, and will not be effective in prevention. It is necessary to wait until the lymph nodes are engorged and therefore the pain appears for them to be effective.

Relieve your muscles and your feeling of heavy legs with Kamran balm

To relieve heavy legs, you can also relax the muscles.

Le Kamran balm will allow you to relax your muscles, of course in the legs, but also in the neck. Composed of natural herbs, this balm will relieve these symptoms, especially present in our contemporary lifestyles where we can sit for a whole day. Its unique combination of 5 plants in the form of essential oils will bring you true relaxation, toning and revitalizing your body while soothing pain. Its easy penetration on the skin will soothe you quickly. Note that Kamran balm is also effective in relieving burns and sunburn. Make Kamran balm your daily ally for moments of rest and relaxation and to relieve your suffering.

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