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Maintain your nervous system to avoid degeneration

Maintain your nervous system to avoid degeneration

Roger castell

            Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases are the two most serious diseases that affect the nervous system. But these real individual and collective tragedies could to a large extent be avoided. How can we act to achieve this?

1 – To strengthen the nervous system

            The central nervous system is very fragile, both in the areas of the brain for thinking and memorizing, and in those for feeling and acting. The diseases that affect it relate to the overoxidation and overload of the blood, promoting degeneration and premature aging.

            Overoxidation is brought mainly by pollution and industrial food, while overloads are provided by poorly assimilated minerals and pollution, contained in the air breathed, in the water consumed and in the food absorbed. To slow down the effects of cerebral aging, to preserve the capacity for action and reaction of neurons, in a word, to keep cerebral and nerve cells young, the three essential conditions consist of rejecting dangers, protecting oneself and reinforce every day.

2 – Eliminate the dangers

      The rejection of the dangers consists in eliminating as much as possible, the causes at the origin of the oxidation and the accumulation of toxic substances, which pollute the blood and the brain. Action should be taken in three areas.

– Eliminate the causes of toxic overloads (tobacco, alcohol, neuroleptics), cooked fats (pastries, margarines) and excess sugar and protein, which promote the clogging of brain cell membranes. Blood quality is also deteriorated by industrial overeating, toxic drinks and harmful man-made foods (hybridized cereals, GMOs, refined foods, hydrogenated fats). Difficult to digest, they cause allergies and brain poisoning.

– Reject also the presence of toxic (heavy) trace metals, which accumulate dangerously in the cerebral white matter. This is the case of mercury, used in dental amalgams and aluminum found in kitchen utensils and vaccines. Take care to avoid pollution (chemical, nuclear, electromagnetic), which sneakily poisons your body, by profoundly modifying the state of the land. (1)

– Expel the toxins, with periodic cures of plants containing silica (nettle, horsetail) or tablets of chlorella algae, wild garlic powder and coriander seeds (2). Static electricity (positive ions) can be neutralized by deoxidation, by walking barefoot in the morning dew or by using a negativeor (3). Finally, the toxins will be evacuated by cleansing the body at least three times a year, by practicing a cure, for one or more days, in spring (birch sap), in summer (fruit cure) or in autumn ( grape cure).

3 – Practice vital hygiene every day

Daily protection requires respecting five essential conditions every day to obtain fluid blood rich in nutrients, supplemented by a good level of cerebral and nervous energy.

- Moderation caloric is a factor of longevity, because it allows to save the nervous energy and to rest the organs (digestive and eliminators). She associates frugality, with very few fatty and sugary foods, and the sobriety, with very few alcoholic and sugary drinks.

– Food recommended hypotoxic must be vegetable of organic production and use especially raw products (fruits and vegetables), essential for their contributions of trace elements, vitamins and antioxidants. Always season your raw vegetables with a virgin oil obtained by 1st cold pressing for its richness in vitamin E, omega 3 and omega 6, necessary for nerve cell membranes. Avoid cooking above 80°, which destroys all the active ingredients, and reduce sugar and salt. Finally give up cereals containing gluten and dairy products mostly pasteurized animals (cheeses, yoghurts, butter, cream) (4)

– Drinking and cooking food should be done with pure, light water, ie slightly acidic and containing less than 120 mg of minerals per litre. This physiological water participates in the various metabolisms and maintains the balance of health. The unassimilable minerals coming from tap water, cause an overload of the blood in electrolytes which will be eliminated by the kidneys. But the renal filtration is disturbed more or less quickly, as a result of the clogging of the nephrons. This leads to incomplete purification of the blood, causing the formation of stones, and often painful calcifications in all the organs. This scaling accelerates brain aging.

– Rhythms biological must be respected by regularly alternating the phases of action and rest. The activities (mental and muscular) must be real every day to reasonably stimulate the organs concerned (brain, heart, muscles, joints), in order to keep intellectual faculties and bodily aptitudes intact. Moments of relaxation (nap, relaxation, sleep) are necessary to rest the brain and recover nervous energy.

- The stimulation brain is finally essential to preserve intact the capacity of memorization. Routine and boredom are two passive memory disruptors. Learn something new every day and remember old lessons, like poems recited in your childhood. Always trust your memory, especially for daily facts (list of commissions for example).

4 – Do additional periodic cures

            Additional reinforcement includes 4 cures.

– Bring trace elements promoting cerebral micro-circulation such as zinc and selenium, found in seeds and bulbs (garlic, onion). Amino acids from proteins (animal and vegetable, in particular spirulina and goji berries) are recommended since they are the precursors of neurotransmitters, in particular dopamine, which is absent in Parkinson's disease. Certain nutrients, such as xanthones, contained in gentian and St. John's wort, stimulate the nervous system, by inhibiting monoamine oxidase, responsible for the breakdown of dopamine in nerve cells (5)

– Improve circulation and cerebral oxygenation, with infusions of gingko biloba or periwinkle (vinca minor) leaves, without forgetting the leaves of red vine (vitis vinifera), whose polyphenols increase the resistance of brain capillaries. You can also take, alternating capsules of these plants, for example, 2 capsules 3 times a day, for one week per quarter (6)

– Use virgin oils rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, as they are of great importance for brain cells and neurons. The most interesting are oils rich in omega 6 (borage, evening primrose), which promote cellular respiration, and oils rich in omega 3 (camelina, flax, hemp, rapeseed, fish such as sardines), which increase the production of neurotransmitters . All promote cerebral microcirculation. They are therefore useful for maintaining memory capacities and creating a state of mind conducive to good humor.

– Consume finally lots of antioxidants to neutralize the free radicals responsible for aging and most diseases (allergy, cancer, etc.). Among these antioxidants is vitamin C whose bioelectronic coordinates, acidic and reduced, are the opposite of the alkaline-oxidized states of “civilized” populations. In addition to its antioxidant role, vitamin C regulates blood coagulation, preventing bleeding and thrombosis. It helps to build collagen which strengthens the vessels and participates in the purification of the blood by eliminating toxins and heavy metals. Its irreplaceable functions require humans, who cannot synthesize it, to absorb a minimum of 500 mg every day. Fortunately, vitamin C is found in abundance in all raw vegetables (fruits and vegetables). It is therefore easy to absorb it every day with three meals and thus protect the entire nervous system. Cures (1 week per month) can be made with fruits highly concentrated in active nutrients, such as the Himalayan goji berry. In the evening, put a tablespoon of berries in ½ glass of water and leave to macerate overnight. Add rehydrated fruit to your morning salad. It's excellent, especially with ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder and 4 spirulina tablets.

      By doing so, the nervous system is best preserved by keeping the fragile brain cells intact. Valentine on the eve of her 98th birthday expressed her conviction to me. “Despite my age, I still live at home and I do my “vitalising” cooking every day. I have kept a good memory, thanks to my food, the light water and the infusions of the leaves of the ginkgo that adorns my garden. I harvest the green leaves, loaded with chlorophyll in the spring and especially in the fall the yellow leaves, loaded with flavonoids. Every year, Nature offers me these precious gifts and I thank her warmly”.

5 – Interest of bioelectronics Vincent

            Vincent's bioelectronics offers a global understanding of these two diseases (Alzheimer's and Parkinson's) and enables therapy to be oriented towards natural processes.

            These diseases testify to premature aging and fouling (toxins and toxic substances), which will create a disturbance in the biological terrain. By measuring the pH (acid-base potential), the rH2 (redox factor) and the resistivity (mineral concentration) of the venous blood of these patients, we regularly note:

            – A rise in pH (alkalosis);

            – An increase in rH2 (oxidation);

            – A drop in resistivity (blood viscosity due to undrained excess minerals).

            To help the body that suffers in this situation of toxic overload and insufficient elimination, natural therapies will aim to straighten the ground. By acting on the three main parameters, the ground will be gradually brought back to the standards of good health. We should promote acidification (by vegetable acids: lemon, vinegar, oils of 1st pressure …) and the reduction (by gaining electrons from raw vegetables, losing positive ions by grounding and neutralizing free radicals thanks to the supply of antioxidants: zinc, selenium, B vitamins, amino acids, gingko biloba, essential oils, etc.). Lhas fluidity blood will be obtained by stimulation of renal elimination with diuretic plants and the help of natural thinners (omega 3 oils for example).

6 – A faithful memory and active motor skills throughout life

Finally, memory and motor skills are also essential. Memory is the recording in the brain of lived events (achievements, failures, successes) and psychological facts (thoughts, feelings, desires), which characterize our personality. Fine and gross motor skills enable action and participation. A good memory and good motor skills therefore condition the quality of our life.

That's what Justine, a smiling lady, said when she was 93rd birthday: “I'm very lucky to still be in good health… I can read, listen to the radio and walk a little every day. I am happy to live and I hope to become a centenarian, like my mother”.

            To avoid the tragedies caused by serious memory loss and motor difficulties, there are solutions. They are effective, easy to implement and inexpensive. They will help maintain a perfectly healthy nervous system throughout life, like active centenarians, whose reassuring example we can all follow.

1 – Roger Castell: Vincent bioelectronics, Dangles edition, p. 149-164.

2 – Doctor D. Klinghardt: How to free yourself from heavy metals, Sources Vitales n°51 (2004), p. 21-23.

3 – Louis-Claude Vincent: Negativation, Sources Vitales n°4 and the BEV Treaty, p. 165-174.

4 – Doctor Jean Seignalet: Food or the third medicine. Human Ecology Collection, 2003, p 357.

5 – Doctor Guy Avril: Alzheimer and Parkinson, Sources Vitales n°58 (2006), p. 9-13.

6 – Doctor Max Rombi: 100 medicinal plants, Romart editions, p. 127, 217, 274.

7 – Extract in part from the book: “The keys to active longevity”, Dangles edition, p. 210 to 214.

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